ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID – is a global, not-for-profit organization that provides a unique identifier for researchers. The ORCID iD aids in disambiguating similarly named individuals and the associated researcher profile collates the user’s biographic information, scholarly contributions, and other important data.
InfoEd and other systems can integrate with ORCID to reduce investigator burden in building and maintaining their profiles. Profile data can be retrieved by NIH’s SciENcv platform further reducing investigator burden in generating biographical sketches and current and pending (other) support documents.
InfoEd’s enterprise platform includes ORCID integration. InfoEd clients that are members of ORCID (often through consortia such as Lyrasis in the US) can activate the integration.
Granular controls allow each institution to manage the data that flows between user’s InfoEd profiles and their ORCID profiles. For linked profiles, employment, education, and award data can flow into ORCID profiles and citation data from ORCID Works can be retrieved into InfoEd.